John Leeder
Aboriginal Workforce Mentor Trainer
As Lead Trainer for the “Future Stars Program”, John delivered pre-employment training to thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island jobseekers across the regional and remote areas of the Northern Territory. John has provided support and training to Aboriginal Workplace mentors up and down the whole of the Northern Territory with a major focus in Alice Springs and the Barkley Region.
Working alongside multiple employment providers and understanding the framework of the organisations, John has a sound understanding of the local and national economy. His extensive knowledge of the employment market and comprehensive cultural competence has contributed to the success of achieving employment goals here in the Northern Territory.
Over the last 24 months in his most recent role as Kitchen Operations Manager at The Howard Springs Quarantine Facility, John oversaw the implementation of a workplace incubation model that provided a successful work pathway for a large volume of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Jobseekers and facilitated a successful on the job mentoring program.
0417 884 464